TTI Gets Social In-Person
TTI Travel opened its doors on Oct. 14 to a small group of GTA-based travel advisors and support personnel for a casual pizza, wine and beer social.
Barb Finn, VP Leisure and New Talent Development for TTI, said that: “It was important for us to reconnect in person with our Advisor community outside of our semi-monthly Town Hall meetings to understand how everyone is coping with the ‘now normal’ manner in which we find ourselves conducting business.”
Finn added: “We also took this opportunity to update everyone on the many enhancements and programs we have undertaken and initiated during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
And TTI’s CEO, Rocky Racco also shared his optimism for not only the travel industry rebound, but with the importance that’s now placed on working with a qualified and knowledgeable travel advisor as well as several exciting opportunities that are in the works at TTI Travel.
Advisors who attended shared their thoughts and comments on the support and commitment to them by the leadership and support teams at TTI.
Their comments highlighted that the reputation and standing within the host agency environment remains solid and that we are recognized as a leader not only by them but also by our Supplier Partners.
For the remaining advisors located across Canada, TTI Travel will be hosting a virtual Social in the weeks to come.