
Intrepid Relaunches Real Food Adventures

Intrepid Travel has relaunched its Real Food Adventures tour range. The 21 tours have been revamped to include a new plant-based experience on every itinerary, as part of the company’s commitment to decarbonize its business and inform a more climate-conscious future for travel.

Susanne Etti, Global Environmental Impact Manager for Intrepid, explained that: “Plant-based diets are a major opportunity for mitigating and adapting to climate change.”

Etti continued: “Plant-based foods generally have a much lower carbon footprint than animal-based foods. As Intrepid continues to innovate in ways that promote and support sustainability, including a delicious meal that showcases local fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds is just one way that we are investing in the health of our planet.”

Intrepid’s Real Food Adventures were originally launched in 2013 with six trips designed to give foodies a culinary experience focused on grassroots cuisines and culture.

After a pandemic-induced hiatus, today, the reintroduced range features 21 tours including longstanding favourites like Mexico, India and Vietnam as well as newer itineraries in South Korea, The Balkans and Israel & Palestine.

New for 2022 is a selection of 21 plant-based experiences that were curated to promote and normalize less carbon-intensive eating habits and to show travellers the importance of making climate-conscious decisions in everyday life.

While the tours will still feature signature meals with traditional meat and fish dishes, the trips have been designed to show the importance of balance and moderation when it comes to making small but significant changes towards a more climate-friendly lifestyle.

Go to www.intrepidtravel.com for more.

Photo courtesy of Intrepid Travel