Sandals Resorts is challenging its Facebook followers to help “Fire the CEO”in a daring way. In a video message from Adam Stewart, viewers are challenged to help Sandals Resorts Facebook page reach 250,000 fans by encouraging friends and family to “like”the Sandals Resorts Facebook page. Once this goal is achieved, CEO Adam Stewart will zipline over 1,000 feet above the Jamaican forest through a four-foot ring of fire to thank fans. While this daredevil feat might seem crazy to most, Stewart believes “for Sandals, anything is possible.”This CEO, he says, embodies everything that the company is about and the experiences he strives to provide guests. In his own words, “Sandals represents fun, getting out there, and having the best time of your life.”For more information and to hear from the CEO himself, visit . To like Sandals Resorts on Facebook, visit and check back to watch him carry out this feat when the goal is reached.