
Operators, Destinations Take Action

With senior health officials across Canada advising Canadians not to travel over March Break – and if they do and take their children, they will have to keep them out of school for 14 days – the travel industry here in Canada and around the world continues to be battered by COVID-19.

Today, PressToday has updates on changes that company’s are making in response to the impact of COVID-19.

Those changes include:

  • Globus family of brands voluntarily suspending travel to all destinations
  • Germany postponing the Germany Travel Mart
  • Jamaica suspending all public activities in March
  • The Cayman Islands reporting its first case of COVID-19

Globus suspends travel through April 30

The Globus family of brands – Globus, Cosmos, Monograms and Avalon Waterways – is voluntarily suspending travel to all destinations departing until April 30, 2020. For travellers affected by the suspension, the company has launched a new Peace of Mind plan.

The company’s Peace of Mind plan provides Globus family of brands’ travellers booked to depart from now through April 30, 2020 the ability to reschedule their vacation in 2020, 2021 or 2022 to any destination, with any of the Globus family of brands, without incurring cancellation fees.

As well, the ne Plan also offers travellers an additional credit of Cdn $50 to $200 per person (depending on which brand they originally booked with) when they reschedule their plans.

Scott Nisbet, president and CEO of the Globus family of brands, said: “We recognize that travellers are faced with a great deal of uncertainty right now, and we are committed to helping them through this situation with the right options, adequate time and high levels of attention and consideration.”

And Nisbet added: “We are doing our best to cater to each and every traveller and help them feel confident in their decision to explore the world with us.”

For more, go to:

For agents, visit https://agents.globusfamily.ca/safety-security/

Germany Postpones Its Annual Travel Mart

The annual Germany Travel Mart 2020 has been postponed

Originally scheduled to be held in Rostock from May 10 to May 12, it has now be postponed until next year.

The decision was made in close consultation with the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Tourist Board as the host of the GTM.

Petra Hedorfer, CEO of the GNTB, explained: “The GTM is the leading sales event for inbound tourism to Germany, and over the last 46 years has established itself as a highly effective platform for key accounts in the international travel trade and German providers to meet, make contacts and do business. But the safety of the more than 1,000 attendees is our main priority. International delegates from more than 45 countries had already arranged 20,000 appointments and face-to-face consultations. Meeting and talking in person is quite simply in the event’s DNA.”

Harry Glawe, the Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Health of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, noted: “The event is hugely important to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, especially in terms of its international profile as a holiday destination. We have spent months preparing for it in collaboration with all parties involved, so I am very pleased that our federal state will be hosting it next year. It is good news that Rostock and Schwerin remain available as attractive venues for the GTM.” Tobias Woitendorf, Managing Director of the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Tourist Board, says: “The aim of hosting the GTM in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in 2020 was to improve its international links. We regret the postponement very much, but we fully understand the need to take this step. As hosts of the GTM 2021 we will put all our energies into showcasing Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as a particularly attractive destination in Germany.”

As an alternative, the GNTB is currently working on a digital marketplace for the invited trade delegates and their prospective business partners in the German travel industry who signed up to attend the workshop.

Said Hedorfer: “We appreciate the importance of face-to-face meetings at sales events such as the GTM, but as we have in-depth knowledge of designing and delivering digital marketing activities, we will use this infrastructure to create an effective networking platform in 2020 for our tourism sector, which predominantly comprises small and medium-sized enterprises, and for the international travel trade.”

She continued: “We are working closely with the international travel industry during this difficult period. As our ever-reliable global points of contact, the sales managers in the GNTB’s foreign representative offices are currently fielding a lot of questions about the situation in Germany. After all, the GNTB works with more than 5,000 tour operators around the world.”

Go to www.germany.travel for more.

Cayman Islands Confirms First Case Of COVID-19

The Cayman Islands Public Health Department has confirmed its first case of COVID-19.

Medical Health Officer, Dr. Samuel Williams-Rodriguez, said: “The patient is a visitor who was transferred from a cruise ship for a critical cardiac issue. The patient was doing well but subsequently developed breathing difficulties, was isolated and a test taken has confirmed is suffering with the novel coronavirus.”

Dr. Binoy Chattuparambil, Clinical Director of Health City Cayman Islands, said that: “The patient has been isolated and is receiving medical support having tested positive for the COVID-19.”

Go to www.hsa.ky/coronavirus and www.gov.ky/coronavirus for more.

Jamaica Ministry of Tourism Postponing All Public Activities in March

Jamaica’s Ministry of Tourism has advised that all previously advertised activities for March have been postponed, until further notice.

It said that the decision is in keeping with the new COVID-19 health protocols, regarding public gatherings declared by Prime Minister Andrew Holness, at an emergency press briefing held at the Office of the Prime Minister yesterday evening.

The Prime Minister commented: “Where the law requires, the granting of a permit for any event or gathering, no permit will be issued within the next 14 days. That means any event, whether entertainment event, any gathering that requires the issuing of a permit. Permits that were already issued will be rescinded.”

He also asked that organizers of business meetings and large gatherings follow the protocols that have been established for personal care and hygiene.

Tourism Minister, Hon Edmund Bartlett said: “We must err on the side of caution in light of the new COVID-19 developments in the country. I have had several meetings with my team about these upcoming events and believe it is in the best interest of the public as well as the staff of the Ministry to postpone these events until it is safer to do so.”